Hospice Care New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is almost here and people everywhere are making resolutions to improve their lives. Those with terminally ill loved ones should take this opportunity to make resolutions to not only improve their own quality of life, but also their loved one’s quality of life. Here are a few easy ways you can commit to improving the care you give your loved one.
Just Talk
One of the easiest ways you can have a big impact on a terminally ill patient is just talking with them. It might seem hard to talk with your loved one, especially if they have a weakening voice or dementia, but verbal interaction can lift spirits and improve mental health.
Aim Small
Caring for a terminally ill patient can be exhausting and it’s easy for little things to go unnoticed. However, taking care of minor issues can make a world of difference for the patient. A minor issue that goes unnoticed all too often is hydration. Ensuring your loved one is drinking enough water can improve the effectiveness of treatments across the board.
Be Adaptive
One of the most important parts of end of life care is allowing the patient to still do the activities they enjoy. Due to the limitations of their illness, you’ll most likely have to get creative and adapt their favorite activities. For example, if your loved one loves going to baseball games, but can’t make it to the stadium anymore, watch the game on TV and make it feel like the stadium. Get everyone to wear hats and jerseys, grill hot dogs, take a seventh-inning stretch, and heckle the opposing batters.
As you can see, hospice care new year’s resolutions don’t have to involve a lot of effort or time to achieve. It’s really just about being aware of how little changes can add up to a big difference. What resolutions are you setting this year?